Sunday, January 29, 2012

Salt Lake City to LAX then off to New Zealand

On the curb in Salt Lake ready to go!

Holly stuck right with us and was such a help.  Hard to say good-bye!

 We were met by Elder and Sister Brazzeel, the office couple in Wellington.  President and Sister Kezerian were on assignment in another part of the mission at the time.  We were with the Brazzeels most of the day - having lunch, going by the Mission Office to check in and taking care of business.  Later that day, they took us to the beautiful Mission Home to stay until Saturday.  President Kezerian called and said he and Sister Kezerian would meet us at the airport on Saturday as they were arriving and we were leaving.  We would be able to spend a couple hours together.  He then asked if we would mind if our assignment was changed?  He needed us to serve in Westport, Westlands on the South Island of New Zealand.  We came to serve and that we will do!
Picture from the kitchen window of the Mission Home.  Note the beautiful Fern trees in back.  There was also a bird in the woods with the most beautiful song.  We have never heard the sound and it was music to our ears.

Entry to the Mission Home

Living Room

Lemon Tree

Elder and Sister Brazzeel (Office Couple) were so kind and helpful to us while we were in Wellington.  They were a wealth of information and drove us here and there introducing us to the area.

We had a get together with some of the other couples on Friday night before we left on Saturday to Westport.  Such great people and again found instant friendships.  L to R are the McVey's - Family History -They were from Highlands Ranch, CO, Turner's, Chesley's, Brazzeal's -Office, Overton's - Family History and Patchett's

Saturday Morning January 7th - Ready to fly to Nelson and then on to Westport.

1 comment:

  1. I had dinner with Holly last night and she told me how hard it was to see you off. But it looks absolutely beautiful there!
